Friday 30 September 2011

Old Occurrences

So I was thinking about some bloopers I could post here and one recent one stood out. So here i am at a cousins birthday party when I discover these helium balloons. I rush them home with the phrase message in a bottle going around in my brain. getting the picture now are we?

I write out a two page soliloquy of my life and it's around midnight and I am imagining someone plucking those balloons from a rooftop and reading my missive and voila instant friend!

so I tie up the paper and i rush out in the dead of night..say a little prayer and I let it might be wondering where my little pen pal is and why am I writing in a blog...well...he doesn't exist! Just as soon as I let the message go, the balloons got stuck in some electric cables. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FRIKKIN' HOUSE O.o

so you'll understand when I say Desmond is not a pal of mine

P.S i woke up and checked the cables in the morning. The balloon had mysteriously vanished. I just pray that none of my family read it. XP

Ground Breaking

I prefer to sit on the floor.

Most people look at me funny when I tell them this quirk about myself, but the truth of the matter is I do some of my best thinking at ground level. I can recall dozens of incidents where my brown carpet has helped me through some rough patches in my life.

My habit may seem strange, but it makes me feel like the world is at my finger tips. Maybe it’s because my spinal column is aligned or maybe I just like that it’s cooler down there. All I know is that I’ve done some of my best work sitting on the earth cross legged.

The very first time I picked up a pen with the intention to write for solely my selfish pleasure was on the flagstones of verandah of my one story house. I picked up a pen that transformed into a vessel for my liquid essence. There was nothing I couldn’t express with an artful turn of phrase. My words were my reflection and a portal binding me to the world.

Those first few moments of revelation turned my life around. I now proudly call myself an author, a poetess, a lyricist and a sketch artist. I have spent years dedicating my time and patience to the pen and its multifaceted existence. It paid off through my grades, through recognition – however limited - and it was all because I could not find a chair to sit on. 

Black and White

Do you know how many advertisements on face whitening creams run everyday on Pakistani television? That, my friends, is the perfect example of brainwashing.

Let me describe a typical ad. Girl likes boy. He rebuffs her advances initially. Her mother/well-meaning friend hand her a tube of something named brido whitening bleach or fair and lovely cream. She applies the lotion to her face and presto! She transforms into a lighter version of herself. When the boy sees her he instantly falls onto his knees and proposes marriage to her.

Lesson of the day? You will never get a husband if you don’t change yourself. Really because that’s the most important thing going on in our lives. We – as Pakistanis – are at the heart of the war on terrorism. We have a society segregated by class and wealth. We are dealing with our second bout of flooding in a short time frame and still repairing the lives of those who suffered in the earthquake. Our politicians keep getting assassinated and our economy is basically in the slums. Our streets are not safe for kids to play in and we do not have access to the local library unless we are an army family. We have to schedule outings and we do not need a curfew because we can not leave the house as we please. We have to face constant sexual harassment and abuse. We don’t learn an instrument or foreign language in school because our education systems are already working at highest capacity. There are still places in our city where people live in houses full of mud and it is not odd to be bombarded by a slew of beggars when you leave your home.

But lets not discontinue our daily beauty regimen, shall we?

Wednesday 28 September 2011


There are just some people out there that never fail to put a smile on your face. Charlie McDonnell is one of those people. And what's so amazing about this guy is that he does it on a global scale! Yay Charlie! Check him out on youtube. Search for charlieissocoollike <3

Tuesday 27 September 2011

See. Want. Do

So I finally got over my lazy streak and joined the ranks of blog-dom! A lot of my friends were making accounts, so I thought why not? It's a good way to remain immortalized in the virtual world even if we die during the whole 2012 thing or get hijacked by ninjas or axe murderers!

Okay so my lawyer forced me to say that the above message was NOT a threat or a prediction. Justsoyouknowandall. :)

Or WAS it? *evil laughter*