Thursday 27 October 2011

AKU. Class of 2016

I've restrained myself from doing this anywhere apart from the recesses of my convoluted noggin, but it's far too tempting to resist..
Yes people, after a year of aimless meandering and theatrical agonizing I have finally triumphed. The ship that will take me to my future is visible just over the horizon. I can see the proud masts with their opulent sails.. And I'm truly content - a touch nervous but content nonetheless. It has been far too long for me and I would like to stretch this joy over an indefinite period of time.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Chori Chori

I can still hear the instruments ringing in my ears. The sitar, the xylophones, the tablas, guitar and the odd but fitting presence of the drum set brings an indulgent smile to my face. The very existence and essence of this certain song defines my life at a certain point.

In this world of fast paced music filled with sticky beats and guttural voices, Coke Studio brought a song into my life that completely unhinged my perceptions of modern music. This piece of music represents the transition between tradition and the new age. The very composition of it suggests the integration of old with new, and the resulting mixture resonates with all who listen. Understanding the importance of our culture and native history, I saw this song for the treasure it is. I saw it uniting the people who sat in front of their televisions swaying to the beats of this melody. The singer Meesha Shafi manges to entrance those who listen – regardless of age.

My own attachment to this song stems from the hour long drive my mother and I took to Islamabad. This ballad came on the radio and she explained the meaning of the lyrics to me. The song talks about how this woman slowly falls in love glance by glance; and instead of the usual movie induced frenzy in declarations of undying love, she waits.

Without knowing about it, I locked my eyes with you (and fell in love)
Very quietly, Very discretely…

In that moment, I felt a kinship to the unknown woman. I had been through a similar experience. The first time I seriously felt something for someone started with just a look. It wasn’t love at first sight, (or lust as I refer to it) it was naught but a fleeting look. It was something that grew with every peek, and it proliferated in silence.

But the simpleton I am..
I sit here, waiting for you to come to me

Assuming the unnamed woman met the same fate, we were both left hanging for something that didn’t happen. We waded through our maelstrom of emotions and came out resolute. Both of us acknowledge that our actions were silly, but it was something we had to do. We lingered for that person, whose attentions empowered us so – made us confident in our passive pursuits. Even though we were disappointed, we drew strength from the let down. Now I look back on my past and think fondly of my adventures and determination – without regrets coloring my memories since I wasn't expectant of a happy ending in the first place. I was content with just watching and waiting. 

I will keep this love hidden from the rest of the world
Nevertheless, the love I have for you is safe..

Sunday 2 October 2011

Adventures of the Bookish Kind

Every book is a rebirth. Except for the really trashy ones. The ones in which men ask women to give them their fire. I mean seriously. THAT is the reason I giggle over anything love related.

I'll be watching a chick flick with my friends. A particularly romantic scene comes up and all of them are clutching at their chest, some even tearing up at the emotional overtones. Me? I'm usually sitting on  my cushion stuffing my fist into my mouth to prevent myself from laughing like a maniac. It's because I know that such passionate declarations of love through grandiose gestures almost never take place. This quote sums up my post quite nicely:

"True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.”

Matchmaker I

So out of my non existent audience, who thinks that types exist? No I'm not referring to the system of classification but to the classification of a gentler persuasion. I, of course, refer to THOSE types. As in romantically speaking *wink wink*

So the question goes do you really have a type or does the universe conspire to have your lady bits jump to attention for the same kind of person? *not discriminating* I realize that my question is rather confusing as they refer to separate topics, so I shall divide this post. YES. I can do that *evil/innocent smile*

The first issue at hand is types. Do we really gravitate to one specific type cast? I know of several cases where girls flock to similar people enough to generate a periodic function. Like the chick in eat, pray, love. She kept talking about brown italiano pool worthy eyes she wanted to dive into..

So does that mean that girls will always be on the look out for men with these characteristics? Will they miss out on some equally wonderful but doesn't quite fit the bill guy? Or will they be unhappy because that man doesn't fulfill their id completely? You know.. I really don't know o.O

More on cosmic intervention later. When I have two brain cells to rub together.

Stay tuned listeners!